How can we connect you to what you need?
Prayer Request
Fellowship Through Prayer - GGF NOLA is a Bible Teaching, Bible Praying Church and no matter if you belong to a church, are not yet in church, or have not yet have an encounter with God, we will stand in prayer with your needs. Email Us: pray@ggfnola.org
Resource Provision
Fellowship Through Resources - GGF NOLA will help connect you to the resources you need. Whether you are looking for educational, health/Medical, physical, financial, and even spiritual. We have a community of partners and ministries that provides outreach to meet the need. Email us: info@ggfnola.org
Community Gatherings
Fellowship Through Community - GGF NOLA is not just a fellowship by name. We believe in loving God AND Loving people and the way we do that is through gathering for worship, small groups and other fellowship events. Email Us : Info@ggfnola.org