Our Mission
As a mission filled people…
For we were saved by grace through faith lest any man should boast and by the grace
of God, we will produce a prophetic people, co-laboring in an unified and balanced
pursuit of the Great Commission or our Lord, Jesus Christ (Matt 28:19-20): We desire
to effectively minister to all people, present the word of God passionately, love people unconditionally and develop and equip disciples for the building of God’s Kingdom. We will unite them in Kingdom love and purpose by preaching the gospel of the
Kingdom, coupled with the teaching of the “uncompromised” Word of God.
We will employ both traditional and progressive methods that include, but are not
limited to weekly worship services, evangelism, Christian education, discipleship,
media ministry and creative outreach for children, teens, young adults, adults and
seniors. We will be focused on the holistic development of people and communities
to empower persons to receive the “Abundant Line” that Jesus came so that all
might receive.
Our energy and resources will focus on developing a harvesting and healing oasis in
the Greater New Orleans area and empowering this local congregation to be living
witnesses of Christ’s Resurrection power in every place.